Common Myths About Bunions

A bunion is a bump that develops below your big toe. As a result, the affected area turns red and sore. If you have bunions, don't panic; it can be resolved through a simple surgical procedure. Here are some common myths about bunions that you shouldn't pay attention to.

Bunions Are Genetic

Bunions aren't genetic. However, it is possible to inherit feet shapes that are susceptible to bunions. Also, you could develop bunions when a specific area of your foot is stressed. 

Also, different walking styles affect the pressure exerted on the feet. For example, your walking style can spread weight unevenly and exert more pressure on one area of your foot. Poor walking patterns aren't genetic but are a product of bad habits.

Bunion Surgery Is Painful

Like most surgeries, you will feel pain after a bunion treatment. Therefore, pain is part of the recovery process. After the surgery, your foot becomes susceptible to swelling and pain.  Most of the pain is caused by a throbbing sensation. However, you can manage the post-operative pain with the correct medication and follow your doctor's directions. 

Bunions Come Back Even After Surgery

Most patients are satisfied by the results of bunion treatment. Although recurrence is rare, it isn't unlikely. The return of a bunion doesn't mean there was a complication. It is something that develops gradually.

For example, a person with excessive motion in the foot may have a recurrence. Another reason for recurrence is if the procedure wasn't suitable for the bunion. It is important that your surgery be suited for your specific bunion.

Bunions Are Fluid-Filled Sacs

Bunions are often confused with bursitis. These are fluid-filled sacs. Bunions are bumpy protrusions. The fluid-filled sacs associated with bunions arise when you rub your bunion on the side of your shoe. The blister develops because of this friction.

Bunions Occur in Women

While high-heeled shoes are a contributing factor for bunions, this doesn't mean bunions affect women alone. Narrow pointy shoes also aggravate bunions, but they aren't the reason they develop. Therefore, bunions affect all genders.

Bunions affect people with flat-footedness because this influences the distribution of weight on the foot. They also affect people with big long toes. Also, if you have pronation of the foot, where your foot prefers to roll inward on impact when walking or running, you may develop bunions. Leg length difference, your muscles, and hypermobility are other factors contributing to bunions' development.

Contact a medical professional to learn more about bunion treatment.
